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Science Week Competition


Well done on the school that submitted the most entries!​

From board games, to home experiments, making sound amplifiers, researching connections in family trees to interviews with driving instructors and dementia nurses. We even had a trilobite made by a 3D printer after research into the connections to Dudley’s local history. ITCH the class reader even got some reviews as its based around science.​


Well done to one pupil that submitted 3 entries! A game along with the rules, an interview with a science teacher and a poster on connections in science.


Again a fantastic effort with pupils making home videos on the dancing raisins experiment, making plastic from milk and evaluating outcomes following changing different variables. We had a home made electronic connections robot, chromatography experiments and many posters.


Wow, the attention to detail in this movable face created using a 3D printer, motors and electronics to control movement on the neck and jaw is incredible. Fantastic connections between staff working together in a hospital and a well designed board game.


Some beautiful posters created, one on connections between humans eyes and camera technology, making use of more challenging triple biology content.


Some really imaginative board games from Wombourne pupils including ‘Bannister Boom’ and ‘Science whizz’ complete with 3D made famous scientists.


Rufford pupils as young as 8 even got involved and have been very creative. A year 4 pupil made a ‘curious kid’ box to connect with her class and allowed pupils to ask science questions that she then went home and researched. We have had posters, family trees, space exploration models an experiments done at home too!


Sweets for all entries please see your HOD!

£10 amazon voucher

•Shyann Smith, board game – Crestwood

•Esme Kyte, moving 3D face – Leasowes

•Jacob Boot, rising water exp, Wombourne

•Bailey Reay, game, interview & research – Ellowes

•Grace Green, interview with Dementia nurse – Crestwood

•Assma Maryam, poster with connections to the curriculum - Pedmore

£20 amazon voucher

•Freya Wilcox, board game – Wombourne

•Emily Perrins & Wendy Williams, turning milk into plastic exp – Kinver

£50 amazon voucher

•Connor Byrne, 3D trilobite – Crestwood

Well done Connor, excellent effort into the connections theme explaining how you are connecting with your local area. Fantastic that you’re using skills from lots of subjects, science – studying fossils, DT – using a 3D printer, geography & history – researching into your local area, art – drawing the emblem and literacy – writing your passage for you entry.

Rufford Science party Winners!

Year 3 – Haniya & Fatima

•Year 4 – Ismail, Wilf & Telly

•Year 5 – Coby & Salena

•Year 6 – Adam & Inayah

Rufford Scientists of the term!

Year 3 - Reggie: for fantastic enthusiasm and science knowledge from outside of lessons.

Year 4 - Ahsan: excellent engagement and contribution

Year 5 - Tyler: for showing great initiative and enjoyment

Year 6 - George: Brining his own personal interest and expanding conversations in class

Year 6 - Khadija: asking questions

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