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Invictus Education Trust Schools GCSE Results Success

Invictus Education Trust students, staff, governors and trustees are celebrating our Year 11 students’ well-deserved 2021 results. They demonstrate that despite the disruption and challenges the last two years have inevitably brought us, we have been relentless in our focus, drive and determination to succeed, in order to improve the life chances and opportunities of the students we serve. As a multi academy trust, our students’ results represent their resilience and their overall truly incredible work and attitude.

The fantastic results of our Year 11 students also demonstrate the quality of the remote learning our staff and schools provided, even throughout the first national lockdown. Our staff and students switched seamlessly immediately to online learning, one of the first multi academy trusts to do this nationally, to ensure our students’ education remained protected.

Due to this outstanding provision, we are proud that our Year 11 students are now moving onto further education, employment or training, with many of them securing a place in our Invictus Sixth Form.

Tony Bowles, CEO of Invictus Education Trust: I would like to thank all of the staff, students and their parents and carers, who have worked together as a team throughout to achieve these well-deserved results under the most challenging of circumstances. Congratulations to you all on your hard-earned success. We are delighted that many of our students will return to us in September as they continue their studies with us at Invictus Sixth Form and look forward to their future successes.

Crestwood School

Crestwood are delighted to celebrate the success of this year’s Year 11 GCSE and BTEC results.

In spite of the barriers and adversities that they have encountered over their GCSE and BTEC studies our students have risen to the challenge and obtained some fantastic results.

We are pleased to announce that over 25% of final grades were grades 7, 8 and 9 and over 50% of students achieved a grade 5 or better in five or more subjects.

Special congratulations go to Charlie Rankovic and Rasdeep Singh who both attained the equivalent of eight grade 9s and a grade 8. Ahmed Islam, Laura Southall, Munib Sarfaz, Oliver Tonks and Maya Bowles made the most progress in the year group.

We are so proud and pleased that all of the efforts and hard work put in by students have been recognised.

Well done everyone!

Headteacher, Caroline Sutton

Ellowes Hall Sports College

The class of 2021 have performed better than expected despite the detrimental impact of school closure throughout the pandemic and subsequent cancellation of formal examinations

The gruelling process of deliberating results for students in year 11 has shown the resilience of the class of 2021 who have outperformed their predecessors despite an intense assessment programme. They have really set the benchmark for subsequent years!

English and Maths have again helped our students to perform above the national average (of 2019) with 64% of students achieving a grade 4 and above in English and Maths in both of these core subjects, helping progression to post 16.

A special mention to the following students who have gone on to achieve on average two grades better than expected in each of their subjects:

o Thomas Howell

o Alex Westbury

o Daniel Caddick

o Phoebe Roper

o Keira Gayle

o Charlie Bennett

o Isabelle Marr

o Lauren Thompson

o Emily Nock

o Millie Hyde

A huge congratulations to the following students that achieved the highest accolade of grade 9s

in 3 or more subjects:

o Lauren Thompson

o Joseph Chapman

o Emily Steventon

o Freya Hassell

A special mention is made to Gerard Orozo-Pilares who completed his GCSE Spanish a year early.

Carla Leslie, Headteacher

Kinver High School

Kinver Maintains its Pole Position!

We are again delighted to announce another set of thoroughly well-deserved and outstanding GCSE results, from our students who have worked tirelessly throughout their five years of academic study at Kinver High.

Despite the challenging circumstances of the last two years, our students have demonstrated tenacity, resilience and a dogged determination to exceed and excel.

We are immensely proud of each and every one of them and invite you to congratulate and celebrate their success with us! 82% of students attained 5 GCSE’s or more at a Standard (Grade 4) Pass or above enabling them to progress onto post 16 education pathways.

80% of students attained a Standard (Grade 4) Pass and 57% achieved a Good (Grade 5+) Pass in both English and Maths. 20% of students achieved a Grade 9-7 in both English and Maths.

Special recognition for outstanding attainment goes to:

Tegan Hands: 9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,8,7

Beth McGregor: 9,9,9,9,9,9,8,8.8,7

Lois Hughes: 9,9,9,9,9,8,8,8,8,7

Iwo Dokszewicz: 9,9,9,9,8,8,8,7,7,L2D

Ben Thompson: 9,9,9,9,8,8,8,7,7,L2D

Luke Powell: 9,9,9,8,8,8,8,8,8, L2D

Connie Hadlington: 9,9, 8,8,8,8,8,8,7

Special recognition for outstanding progress was made by:

Ben Harris; Libby Harris; Will Harrison; Olivia Heritage and Aiden Hope we would like to congratulate our students, staff and families on their success and achievement and wish them well for their future endeavours.

Nikki Clifton, Headteacher

Leasowes High School

Over 64% of our students achieved a Grade 4 or better in 5 or more subjects, almost 52% of students achieved a Grade 4 in 5 subjects or more, including English and Maths!

We are extremely proud of all of our students and their achievements, they worked incredibly hard and deserve their excellent results. Improvements on last year were seen across the board in terms of progress and attainment in all subjects.

In particular, English and Maths grades, as well as History, Biology, Chemistry, Design Technology, French, IT, and Physical Education doing particularly well. We also saw a rise in the number of students achieving grade 7 and above.

The following students deserve particular recognition Isabel Griffiths achieved six Grade 9’s, two Grades 8’s and a Grade 6. Maddison Willetts achieved three Grade 9’s, five Grade 8’s and one Grade 7. Jessie Brass achieved two Grade 9’s, three Grade 8’s, two Grade 7’s and two Grade 6’s. Wasim Muhammed achieved one Grade 9, three Grade 8’s, three Grade 7’s and two Grade 6’s. Mariam Kaid achieved two grade 9’s, two Grade 8’s, two Grade 7’s and two Grade 6’s.

We are also very proud of Amy Barton and Ta’Rya Tweede Robinson who exceeded all of their target grades to make outstanding progress.

Headteacher, Matthew Mynott

Pedmore High School

We would like to congratulate and thank all our students, staff and families for their outstanding achievement and relentless hard work during the most challenging of circumstances.

We are delighted and proud of all of our students on gaining places at their first choice post-16 courses.

Special mentions to Fatima Omemah who achieved an incredible 7 grade 9s, 2 grade 8s and a Level 2 Distinction; Regan Hickman who achieved 3 grade 9s, 4 grade 8s and a Level 2 Distinction *; Hana Ghaffor who gained 2 grade 9s, 7 grade 8s and 1 grade 7 and Isha Rehman with 1 grade 9, 8 grade 8s and 1 grade 7.

Gareth Lloyd


Wombourne High School

A huge congratulations to Wombourne High School GCSE Students, fantastic results that are truly well deserved. 81% of students have achieved a grade 4 or higher in at least 5 subjects, with 49% achieving at least one grade 7 or equivalent.

Incredibly, 19% of our students have 5 or more subjects graded at 7+. Wombourne High School students worked extremely hard towards their GCSE qualifications and we are immensely proud of them.

There are many students who stand out, these include Isabel Porter who achieved 8 grade 9s and Finlay Murphy who achieved 6 grade 9s. The highest levels of progress was seen in the excellent results achieved by Kabilraj Rajsanger, Jade Clark, Ethan Causer and Jacob Haggart.

In addition to fantastic exam results, this year group is marked by qualities of resilience, determination, kindness and empathy, that are no less valuable than their amazing academic achievements.

Congratulations to all our fantastic students.

Gemma Smith, Headteacher

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